Gade was born in 1971 in Lhasa, Tibet, China. He is a famous contemporary Tibetan artist and curator who currently lives and works in Lhasa. In 1991, he graduated from College of Art at Tibet University and subsequently taught at this college. Respectively in 1993 and 2012, he received a bachelor’s degrees from Central Academy of Fine Arts and a master degree of arts management from the School of Humanities at Central Academy of Fine Arts. Now, he is one of the Funders of Gendu Choephel Artists’ Guild and The Scorching Sun Art Lab as well as the Vice-Chairman of Tibetan Artists Association. In 2010, the “Scorching Sun of Tibet – Contemporary Tibetan Art Show”, co-curated with Li Xianting, was regarded as a landmark art movement by the Tibetan contemporary art group.
Gade’s representative artworks include Ice Buddha, New Scripture series, New Idol series, Beads series, Bodhi Leaves. His works won First Prize Award of Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition, Excellent Award, Snana Yatra, TAR Art Exhibition and more. Gadee’s works have been collected by various museums and galleries including, The National Art Museum of China (Beijing) , Rubin Museum of Art (New York), The White Rabbit Gallery (Sydney), and CU Art Museum (CO). He has held solo and group exhibitions in different art institutions at home and abroad, such as, Rossi & Rossi (London, Hongkong), Boers Li Gallery (Beijing),MoCA Shanghai (Shanghai), Chan Liu Art Museum (Taipei), Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive (Berkeley), Art 14 (London), Siebengebirgs Museum (Königswinter), Doris Mccarthy Gallery (Toronto), Gedun Choephel Art Gallery (Lhasa), Institut Valencia d’ Art Morden (Valencia), Elsa Mott Ives Gallery (New York) and so on.
嘎德1971年出生于中国西藏拉萨,西藏当代艺术家及策展人,目前工作居住于中国西藏拉萨。1991年毕业于⻄藏⼤学艺术学院美术系随后任教于该学院。分别于1993年和2012年获得中央美术学院史论系本科学位以及央美术学院⼈⽂学院艺术管理系硕⼠。目前是根敦群佩⻄藏当代艺术群体、⻄藏念者实验艺术空间创建⼈之⼀以及⻄藏念者实验艺术空间创建⼈之⼀。2010年,与栗宪庭联合策展的《烈⽇⻄藏 - ⻄藏当代艺术展》被西藏当代艺术群体视为一次里程碑式的艺术运动。
他的代表作有《冰佛》、《新经书》系列、《新偶像》系列、《佛珠》、《菩提叶》系列等,其作品曾获得中国传统国画展⼀等奖,TAR 艺术展银奖等。嘎德的作品已被众多博物馆和画廊收藏,包括:中国美术馆(北京)、鲁宾博物馆(纽约)、⽩兔美术馆(新南威尔⼠州)、科罗拉多⼤学美术馆(科罗拉多)。他已在国内外不同艺术机构举办过个展与群展,比如:Rossi&Rossi 画廊(伦敦、香港)、博尔励画廊(北京)、上海当代艺术馆(上海)、伯克利艺术博物(加利福尼亚馆)、⻓流美术馆(台湾)、Art 14(伦敦)、Siebengebirgs 博物馆(柯尼希斯温特)、Doris Mccarthy 美术馆(多伦多)、红门画廊(北京)、根敦群佩当代艺术画廊(拉萨)、瓦伦⻄亚现代艺术博物馆(瓦伦⻄亚)、Elsa Mott Ives 画廊(纽约)等等。