Courtesy of Lowell Boyers
Lowell Boyers (b. 1966) is a graduate of MFA program at Yale University and the Rhode Island School of Design (BFA).
His work has been included in private and institutional exhibitions in Cologne, Germany, Abu Dhabi, India, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas and St Louis.
His creativity has successfully cut through the mundane converging boundaries into springboards for liberation. Lowell states, “I see the creative imagination as a birthright belonging to every being, and my work is fundamentally a textural portrayal of the unfolding blossoming of various stages of awakening to that active nature.”
Also as owner of ThresholdNYC West, a private strength and healing facility in West Chelsea, he is deeply committed to the practice of training the body and the mind as a vehicle for continuously progressive strength gains and for metaphorically moving mountains. Lowell deeply values the combination of maintaining a deep faith in the benefits of the Buddha Dharma and of Fine Art while also nurturing his clients as a strength and conditioning guide and healer.