Penpa was born in 1974 in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Now he lives and works in Lhasa. He graduated from the College of Art at Tibet University in 2004 and received his master degree of Fine Arts from the same university in 2013. Since 1995, Penpa has been a math teacher in Doilungdêqên District Primary School. In 2013, he co-founded Gendu Choephel Artist Studio with other artists in Lhasa. Penpa’s works have won the Excellent Award of National Elmar Flowers and Silver Award of The 3rd Independent Character Nomination Exhibition. His works have been collected by Macao Museum of Art, Tibet University Art Museum. Penpa held solo and group exhibitions in domestic and foreign institutions and galleries, such as, Hefei Normal University (Hefei), Sweet Tea House Gallery (London), Rouge Space Gallery (New York), Gallery 456 (New York), Macao Museum of Art (Macao), Moon Center for Contemporary Art (Changsha), The Scorching Sun Art Lab (Lhasa), DHW Art Museum (Beijing), and others.


边巴1974年出生于中国西藏拉萨,现工作于西藏拉萨。2004年从西藏大学艺术学院毕业并于2013年获得艺术硕士学位。自1995年起他在堆⻰德庆区⼩学当数学教师。2003年与艺术家联合创办了根敦群培艺术家工作室。边巴的作品曾获《民族百花奖》优秀奖与《第三届独立品格提名奖》银奖并被澳门现代美术馆、西藏大学美术馆以及国内外藏家多次收藏。他已在国内外机构举办过个展与群展,如:合肥师范学院(合肥)、Sweet Tea House 画廊(伦敦)、Rouge Space 画廊(纽约)、456 画廊(纽约)、澳⻔艺术博物馆(澳⻔)、⽉湖时当代艺术中⼼(⻓沙)、念者实验艺术空间(拉萨)、⼤河湾美术馆(北京)等。