Photo by Jiang Hailong. ©Tsewang Tashi
次旺扎西( ཚེ་དབང་བཀྲ་ཤིས། Tsewang Tashi)
Tsewang Tashi was born in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China, in 1963. He is an artist, a professor and PhD advisor at the Fine Art Department of Tibet University and a curator. He received the Bachelor of Fine Art from Minzu University of China in 1984 and then earned a master’s degree from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2002 and a PhD degree from Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2014.
He conducts research mainly in the theory, history and creation of modern and contemporary art and art education. He has published the book Modernism in Tibetan Arts: The Creative Journey of Four Artists. He is one of the founder of Gedun CHoephel Artists’ Guild, Deputy Chairman of Tibet Oil Painting Association, Deputy Chairman of Lhasa Artists Association and the member of the Committee of Tangka Art Exposition.
He has had solo exhibitions at Gallery 21:24 & 21:25, Oslo, Norway; Peaceful Wind, New Mexico, US; Rossi & Rossi, London, UK; Gedun Choephel Art Gallery, Lhasa, China. Tashi’s work has been exhibited worldwide, such as Italy, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Macau, and more; and included in the group exhibitions at National Art Museum of China, Song Zhuang Art Gallery and Red Gate Gallery, and more. His work is in numerous international public and private collections, including the Rubin Museum of Art, New York, US; Liverpool Museum, Liverpool, UK; Rossi & Rossi, London, UK; Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China; Peaceful Wind, New Mexico, US; Copelouzos Family Museum, Greece.
His work has been included in many books, periodicals and medias, including Fine Art, The New York Times, Orientations, Art Asian Pacific, The Museum on the Roof of the World, CCTV, among others.
藏族,1963年生于拉萨。画家、西藏大学艺术学院教授、博士生导师、策展人。中央民族大学美术系学士(1984),挪威奥斯陆国立美术设计学院硕士(2002),挪威科技大学建筑与美术学院博士(2014)。主要研究方向为现当代美术史论、现当代高等美术教育及现当代艺术创作,著有Modernism in Tibetan Arts: The Creative Journey of Four Artists等。根敦群培艺术家群体创办人之一,西藏油画学会副主席,拉萨市美术家协会副主席,西藏唐卡博览会专家委员会委员。
在挪威奥斯陆21:24/21:25画廊、美国Peaceful Wind Contemporary画廊、 英国伦敦Rossi & Rossi画廊、拉萨根敦群培画廊举办个人艺术展。作品还在意大利、日本、德国、荷兰、孟加拉及澳门等国家和地区,以及中国美术馆、宋庄美术馆、红门画廊等机构展出,并被美国鲁宾艺术博物馆(Rubin Museum of Art)、英国利物浦博物馆(Liverpool Museum)、英国罗斯·罗斯画廊(Rossi& Rossi)、北京红门画廊(Red Get Gallery)、美国和风当代艺术 画廊(Peaceful Wind Contemporary)、希腊科佩卢佐斯家族博物馆(Copelouzos Family Museum)等机构和世界各地的私人收藏家收藏。
作品发表和介绍于《美术》《魂的交响曲》(日本)、《中国油画》《中国当代油画现状》《中国中青年自选作品集》《西藏当代美术》《中国当代藏画选》,The New York Times, Orientations,Art Asian Pacific, The Museum on the Roof of the World等报刊以及中央电视台等国内外媒体上。