Zhang Xiaotao was born in Hechuan District, Chongqing, China in 1970 and graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1996. In 2002, he established a contemporary art studio in the 798 Art District of Beijing. In 2010, he founded the New Media Art Department at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and took on positions as the Director of the Department, vice professor and masters’ supervisor. He became a member of the Council of Experimental Art of China Artists Association in 2012. He began his PhD study under the guidance of Xu Bing at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013 and graduated in 2016. He lives and works in Beijing.
Zhang Xiaotao has held many solo and group exhibitions in the world’s top biennales, art museums, art centers and foundations, such as the 55th Venice Biennale, Asia Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow Biennale, Prague Biennale, Guangzhou Triennale, Shanghai Biennale, Chengdu Biennale, Shenzhen & HongKong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, Holland Film Festival, Tokyo International Animation Fair, Asia Animation Contest, London Saatchi Gallery, Roman Museum of Art for the XXI Century, New York Albright Knox Art Gallery, Queensland Art Gallery, White Rabbit Gallery, RMIR Gallery, Luzern Art Museum, Mitterrand National Cultural Center, Wilfrid Israel Asian Art Museum, Sao Paulo OCA, Brussels CIVA, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Florida, Valencia Museum of Modern Art, Francisco Tomásy Valient Art Center, Bologna Museum of Modern Arts, Manchester CAC, Turin Palazzo Bricherasio Museum, London Louise Blouin Foundation, Vienna Essl Museum, Vitra Design Museum, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Arhus Kunstmuseum, Holland Modern Art Museum, Norway 3.14 Foundation, National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea, Seoul Museum of Art, St. Petersburg Museum, The National Art Museum of China, Arthur M.Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University, CAFA Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, YUZ Museum, Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shanghai Long Museum, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum and Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum.
Manfred Schneckenburger, Director of the 7th and 8th Kassel Documenta, considered Zhang Xiaotao to be “a marvelous artist” and held a solo exhibition for him at Kunst Akademie Muenster, in addition to authoring an article titled Materialistic Decay on the artist in 2002. A feature documentary was recorded by NHK Japan in 2004. In 2005 he attended the 2nd Prague Biennale in Czech. In 2007, he held a solo exhibition on Rebirth which is an Interdisciplinary experiment report of contemporary art and archaeology in Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology of Peking University. In 2008, Professor Wu Hung of the University of Chicago planned a solo exhibition Microscopic Narration for Zhang Xiaotao at Beijing Iberia Center for Contemporary Art and published an album of painting with the same name. Zhang was awarded of the Prize of Young Artist 2008. In 2008, he exhibited The Revolution Continues in London Saatchi Gallery. In 2009, the Italian Magazine Flash Art had an exclusive interview with him on the animation film Mist. PEOPLE, a program of CCTV had an exclusive interview with Zhang Xiaotao on his artistic achievements in 2010. In 2011 and 2012, he was consecutively awarded of the Best Technique Award in Asia. Between 2011 and 2015, he planed and held the International New Media BBS in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. There is no doubt that He has promoted the development of international communication and localization practice of new media arts by holding forums and exhibitions,publishing monographs and motivating social engagement. In 2012, he became a curator of the 1st Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale and attended the Chinese Animation Since 1930 Section of the 7th Asia Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art. In 2013, he attended China Pavillion at the 55th Venice Biennale with his animation Sakya covered by New York Times. In 2014, he was invited to be an international judge of CUBE Global Digital Award in Paris. In 2015, he participated in Drama Life exhibition which is the first to comprehensively comb and summarize the field of experimental animation worldwide at Albright Knox Gallery, New York. In the same year, he attended the 6th Moscow Biennale. In 2015 and 2016, he held an international animation exhibition and forum on From Painting to Animation at the University of Derby and Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum respectively. In 2016, he received an exclusive interview by New York Times on Nostalgia and Surrealism: The Modern China of Animation Artist Zhang Xiaotao. In 2017, he sponsored the first China International New Media Art Festival of Diaoyu Town, Hechuan District, which combined international contemporary art with China’s rural society and let contemporary art interact with social practice. Besides, both his animated feature film The Spring on Huangjueping and animated short film The Adventure of Liangliang have been selected into the main competition of Holland Animation Film Festival. In 2018, his "The Adventures of liangliang " won the gold medal of the China Libo International Animation Festival. His works have been collected by museums, foundations, art centers, and collectors.
张小涛多次在国际、国内重要的双年展、美术馆、艺术中心、基金会举办个展、群展等。如:55届威尼斯双年展、亚太当代艺术三年展、莫斯科双年展、布拉格双年展、广州三年展、上海双年展、成都双年展、深港建筑双年展、深圳独立动画双年展、渥太华动画电影节、荷兰动画电影节、林茨电子艺术节、东京动画节、亚洲动画大赛、伦敦萨奇美术馆、罗马21世纪当代艺术馆、纽约Albright Knox美术馆、澳洲昆士兰美术馆、澳洲白兔美术馆、澳洲RMIT美术馆、卢塞恩美术馆、法国密特朗国家文化中心、以色列亚洲当代美术馆、圣保罗OCA、布鲁塞尔国际建筑与都市中心CIVA、弗罗里达瑞林博物馆、瓦伦西亚现代艺术馆、马德里Francisco Tomásy Valiente艺术中心、博洛尼亚当代美术馆、曼切斯特CAC、都灵Palazzo Bricherasio博物馆、伦敦Louise Blouin 基金会、维也纳ESSL美术馆、巴塞罗那圣·莫妮卡艺术中心、丹麦奥胡斯美术馆、荷兰眼镜蛇现代美术馆、挪威3.14基金会、韩国国立现代美术馆、首尔市立美术馆、圣彼得堡博物馆、莫斯科皇后宫博物馆、中国美术馆、北京大学赛克勒博物馆、中央美术学院美术馆、上海美术馆、余德耀美术馆、成都当代美术馆、广东美术馆、何香凝美术馆、上海龙美术馆、北京民生美术馆、苏州金鸡湖美术馆等。
2002年德国第7、8届卡塞尔文献展总策展人曼弗雷德·施奈肯伯格在德国明斯特美术学院美术馆为张小涛举办个展并撰文《唯物主义的糜烂》,称之为“令人惊异的艺术家”、2004年日本NHK电视台拍摄张小涛专题纪录片、2005年参加捷克《第二届布拉格双年展》、2007年在北京大学赛克勒艺术与考古博物馆举办当代艺术与考古学的跨学科实验报告《重生》个展、2008年芝加哥大学教授巫鸿先生与著名独立策展人冯博一先生为张小涛在北京伊比利亚艺术中心策划个展《微观叙事》并编著同名画册出版、2008年获得中国年度青年艺术家奖、2008年参加伦敦萨奇画廊《革命仍在继续》展览、2009年意大利《flash art》杂志对《迷雾》动画电影进行专访、2010年中国中央电视台《人物》栏目对张小涛艺术成就做专访、2011年和2012年连续获得“亚洲最佳技术动画奖”的殊荣、2011年-2015年在四川美术学院连续四届策划并主持了《国际新媒体论坛》、2012年首届深圳独立动画双年展的策展人之一、2012年参加澳洲《第7届亚太当代艺术三年展》中的“1930年以来的中国动画”单元、2013年参加了《第55届威尼斯双年展》中国馆,动画《萨迦》受到《纽约时报》的关注和报道、2014年受邀作为法国巴黎CUBE全球数字艺术大奖国际评委、2015年参加纽约Albright Knox美术馆《戏剧人生》展,该展是全球实验动画领域的一次全面梳理与总结、2015年参加俄罗斯《第六届莫斯科双年展》、2015年和2016年分别在英国德比大学和中国苏州金鸡湖美术馆策划了《从绘画到动画》的国际动画展览和论坛、2016年接受《纽约时报》国际版专访--《怀旧与超现实:动画艺术家张小涛的现代中国》、2017年作为发起人创办了《首届中国合川钓鱼城国际新媒体艺术节》项目、2017年动画长片《黄桷坪的春天》与短片《量量历险记》分别入围荷兰动画电影节主竞赛单元、2018年《量量历险记》获荔波国际动画节金奖,2019 年《三千世界·蜉蝣》入选奥地利林茨电子艺术节,其作品被国际、国内重要美术馆、基金会、艺术中心及收藏家收藏。