Zhou Xianglin

November 12, 1969 - Kaifeng《1969年11月12日•开封》,1991/1995
Oil on canvas 布面油画
72 x 72 in  (183 × 183cm)


Beijing, CAFA Art Museum, Graduation Exhibition of Oil Painting Seminar of Central Academy of Fine Arts, 1991
Beijing, National Museum of China, 91 Chinese Oil Painting Annual Exhibition, 1991
Hong Kong, The First Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, 1991
Beijing, National Art Museum, History of River-The Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in New Era, 2005
Beijing, Central Academy of Fine Arts, The Temperature of History: CAFA and Chinese Representational Oil Paintings, 2015
Guangzhou, Guangdong Museum of Art, The Invitational Exhibition of Oil Painting of Dingxin South China–My Land and My People, 2012
Touring Exhibition at China Art Museum, Shanghai, Taimiao Art Museum, Beijing, Nanjing Art Gallery, Nanjing, Hubei Museum of Art, Hubei, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Beijing, Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, 2016


北京,中国美术馆, 《大河下·1976-2005新时期中国油画回顾展》,2005

The first painting of the same title was created in 1991 and has been collected by Hanart Limited in Hong Kong. In 1995, Zhou Xianglin recreated the original large oil painting at the request of Ms. Wang Guangmei, the wife of Liu Shaoqi. November 12, 1969 - Kaifeng, however, is not drawn exactly according to the first painting, but has made minor adjustments such as the title text on the Mi Zi Xing newspaper strip in the window, rather than exactly following the first painting. The original policy “Dig deep holes; Store grain widely; Don't be hegemonic” also changed after examination, and the forehead part of Liu Shaoqi anatomized precisely.

Through the tragedy of the former president, Zhou Xianglin betokened the major historical subject that has almost concentrated the stupendous tragedy of the country, nation, and individuals in the decade of the Cultural Revolution. Looking at this subject from a historical perspective and making judgment with a rational mind, Zhou Xianglin selected this section to reflect on the fate of the country and the nation, not to evaluate the merits and demerits of a particular person.


同名第一幅创作于1991年由香港汉雅轩有限公司收藏。1995年,周向林应刘少奇夫人王光美女士要求为其重新创作原大油画一幅,但此画并未完全依照第一幅绘制而是做了诸多调整,如窗户上米字形报纸条上的标题文字,原有的“深挖洞、广积粮、不称霸” 经考证作了改动,并调整完善了刘少奇额头部分的解剖结构。

November 12, 1969 - Kaifeng《1969年11月12日•开封》,1991
Sketches 素描稿
72 x 72 in (183 × 183cm)

The Flower of the Famous General Is Withered on Taihang Mountain《名将之花凋谢在太行山上》,1999
Oil on canvas 布面油画
63 x 66 7/8 in.(160 × 170 cm)




Wuhan, Hubei Museum of Art, The 9th Hubei Provincial Fine Arts Works Exhibition, 1999
Wuhan, Hubei Province Commemorates the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War Art Exhibition, 2005
Wuhan, Hubei Museum of Art, Retrospect and Prospect, Hubei Oil Painting Art Exhibition, 2011


On November 7, 1939, the Eighth Route Army’s Lie Rongzhen, He Long and Yang Chengwu troops killed General Norihide Abe, who was called “The Flower of the Famous General” and “Expert in Mountain warfare”. After he died, the commander-in-chief of Japanese North China Front Army, Lieutenant General Hayao Tada, wrote an elegy, “The Flower of the Famous General is Withered on Taihang Mountain”.  The Japanese newspaper "Asahi Shimbun" has used the headline “The Flower of the Famous General is Withered on Taihang Mountain” for three consecutive days, and said, “since the establishment of the Imperial Army, there has been no such example of the sacrifice of a general officer of the rank of lieutenant general.”
The extremely satire of Japan’s denial of Second Sino-Japanese War was the fact that Norihide Abe was shot dead in a Chinese peasant’s room.  Norihide Abe and other solders, from another point of view, were both perpetrators and victims of war. They might have been professors, scholars, or ordinary people, without the Second Sino-Japanese War, and would not have been buried in alien countries. This oil painting depicted Norihide Abe at the moment of being blown up – bewildered and confused appearance, his body in the air, and together with fluttering map and the flying chicken as well as jumping dog scene – all of which appropriately express the creative intent.



Red Machine – One 《红色机器·之一》, 1993
Oil on canvas 布面油画
76 3/4 x 76 3/4 in  (195 × 195 cm)


武汉,武汉美术馆,《 “互动”2008中国当代油画邀请展》,2008


Beijing, National Art Museum of China, Invitational Exhibition of Young Oil Painting Artists, 1993
Beijing, National Art Museum of China, The 2nd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, 1993
Wuhan, Wuhan Tiandi, Present -Wuhan-2008 Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, 2008
Wuhan, Wuhan Art Museum, Interaction: Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting, 2008
Guangzhou, Guangdong Museum of Art, Trends in Hubei and Hunan, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, 2009
Wuhan, Hubei Museum of Art, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts 90th Anniversary Art Exhibition, 2010
Beijing, Today Art Museum, Zhou Xianglin Solo Exhibition, History & Reality, 2011
Singapore, Dialogue Space, Art Stage Singapore, 2011
Guangzhou, Guangdong Museum of Art, My Land and My People, 2012


Red Machine series has broadened the sphere of history painting creation and called as historical painting for display by Zhou Xianglin. The angle provided by him is that of a display. The objects in the works are equal to the exhibits in the museums, and their value and meaningful are revealed in the display. The historical imprint condensed on the objects provides the opportunity to transform the symbol of the time. The physical sense of the display penetrates the contextual relationship of the symbols. The original concealed historical scene instantly converted into a tacit state. This kind of historical painting on display are far beyond the norm of general historical paintings in terms of the concept or the language. “Dongfanghong” is a microcosm of an era, a sentiment of a generation of Chinese people, and the symbol of the entire Mao Zedong.

Model - 1/18×18-BJ212《模型·1/18×18·BJ212》, 2007
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in  (200 x 200 cm)




Wuhan, Hubei Museum of Art, Hubei Fine Arts Works Exhibition, 2007
Guangzhou, Guangdong Museum of Art, Trends in Hubei and Hunan, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, 2009
Wuhan, Hubei Museum of Art, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts 90th Anniversary Art Exhibition, 2010
Beijing, Today Art Museum, Zhou Xianglin Solo Exhibition, History & Reality, 2011
Singapore, Dialogue Space, Art Stage Singapore, 2011
Wuhan, United Art Museum, West Says East Says: Chinese Contemporary Art Research Exhibition, 2014

BJ212 Light Off-Road Vehicle, a military product designed and manufactured in China in 1965. In the Cultural Revolution a year later, it became a symbol of the times as Mao Zedong rode in it several times to meet the Red Guards. Zhou Xianglin at the age of 12 experienced and witnessed firsthand the frenzied scene of Mao Zedong’s eight meeting the Red Guards. By painting an ordinary car, the artist adumbrated a complicated emotion for those days.



Model·1/N×N series

Zhou Xianglin’s Model·1/N×N series has a strong conceptual nature. Zhou Xianglin, through realistic painting methods, attempted to restore that period of history by painting representative classical car models with light and scaled up, but what he found was merely an evocative symbol of the times.

The concept that the product of time can no longer be amplified and restored after being compressed is expressed and conveyed in different periods of classical car toy models by Zhou Xianglin’s paintings transformation. They usually associate with the lost years and people’s deep memories stories, which converted their physical attributes of products into era marks and historical symbols. And after being compressed by people’s memories, the real history gradually fades away from its original appearance, just like the compressed and enlarged of a car model, which remains meticulously real but not the real thing at that time.



Model - 1/18×18·SH760《模型·1/18×18·SH760》,2009
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in  (200 x 200 cm)

Model - 1/20×20-Dongfeng Jinglong《模型·1/20×20·东风金龙》
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in  (200 x 200 cm)

Model - 1/24×24-Hongqi CA770《模型·1/24×24·红旗CA770》
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 252 in  (200 x 640 cm)

Model - Mercedes-Benz 1931《模型•奔驰1931》
Oil on canvas 布面油画
62 1/4 x 176 3/8 in  (158 x 448 cm)

1939 - Rolls-Royce-Ghost《1939·劳斯莱斯·幽灵》
Oil on canvas 布面油画
35 3/8 x 41 in  (90 x 104 cm)

Genetic Engineering I《基因工程Ⅰ》,2018
Oil on canvas布面油画
70 7/8 x 161 3/8 in  (180 × 410 cm)

Genetic Engineering II《基因工程II 》,2019
Oil on canvas 布面油画
70 7/8 x 161 3/8 in  (180 × 410 cm)

Genetic Engineering I(unfinish)《基因工程Ⅲ》(未完成), 2020
Oil on canvas 布面油画
70 7/8 x 161 3/8 in  (180 × 410 cm)

Happy Life 《幸福生活》, 1997
Oil on canvas 布面油画
66 1/8 x 31 1/2 in  (168 x 80 cm)

Barbie-Barbie《芭比·芭比》, 1997-2015
Oil on canvas 布面油画
66 1/8 x 59 in  (168 x 150 cm)

Unreal Space I《虚幻空间·之一》,2004
Oil on canvas 布面油画
31 7/8 x 51 1/8 in  (81 × 130 cm)

Unreal Space II《虚幻空间·之二》, 2004
Oil on canvas 布面油画
31 1/2 x 51 1/8 in  (81 x 130 cm)

Unreal Space IV《虚幻空间·之四》, 2004
Oil on canvas布面油画
31 1/2 x 51 1/8 in  (81 x 130 cm)

Red Tourism - Attractions H《红色旅游·景点H》, 2005
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 53 1/8 in  (200 x 135cm)

Red Tourism - Attractions R《红色旅游·景点R》, 2006
Oil on canvas 布面油画
78 3/4 x 53 1/8 in  (200 x 135cm)

Happy Life《幸福生活》,2010
Handmade Silk Carpet 手工丝毯
102 3/8 x 51 1/8 in  (260 × 130cm)

Handmade Silk Carpet 手工丝毯
102 3/8 x 70 1/8 in(260 × 178 cm)

“Dream China” I and II《梦•中•国》之一、之二,2016
Oil on canvas 布面油画
43 1/4 x 86 5/8 in  (110 x 220 cm)
Each: 43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)



“Dream China” I《梦•中•国》之一
Oil on canvas 布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” II《梦•中•国》之二,2016
Oil on canvas 布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” III and IV《梦•中•国》之三、之四,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 86 5/8 in  (110 x 220 cm)
Each: 43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” III《梦•中•国》之三,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China”  IV《梦•中•国》之四,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” V and VI《梦•中•国》之五、之六,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 86 5/8 in  (110 x 220 cm)
Each: 43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” V《梦•中•国》之五,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” VI《梦•中•国》之六,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China” VII and VIII《梦•中•国》之五、之六,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 86 5/8 in  (110 x 220 cm)

“Dream China” VII《梦•中•国》之七,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

“Dream China”  VIII《梦•中•国》之八,2016
Oil on canvas布面油画
43 1/4 x 43 1/4 in  (110 × 110 cm)

Red Machine I《红色机器·之一》,2002
Lithographic 平版印刷
29 1/8 x 28 3/8 in  (74 × 72 cm)


Edition of 99

Red Machine II《红色机器·之一》,2002
Lithographic 平版印刷
29 1/8 x 28 3/8 in  (74 × 72 cm)


Edition of 99

Mercedes-Benz 1931《奔驰·1931》, 2011
Lithographic 平版印刷
17 3/4 x 39 3/8 in (45 × 100cm)


Edition of 99

China Memory - Liberation《中国记忆·解放》,2010
Lithographic 平版印刷
27 1/2 x 29 1/2 in(70 x 75 cm)


Edition of 99

Red Machine IV《红色机器·之三》,2006
Lithographic 平版印刷
28 x 32 7/8 in(71 x 83.5 cm)


Edition of 99