Illusion and Bubble

Contemporary Tibetan Art I
May 18 - July 31, 2020

Gade 嘎德(b.1971)
Landscape 风景,2016
Acrylic on canvas, cloisonne 布面丙烯,掐丝珐琅
17 3/4 x 39 3/8 inches (45 x 100 cm)


Turin, ROSSI & ROSSI Gallery, GADE, KESANG LAMDARK, TENZING RIGDOL, TSHERIN SHERPA at Artissima, November 2 - 5, 2017.
都灵,ROSSI & ROSSI 画廊,《嘎德,KESANG LAMDARK,丹增热珠,TSHERIN SHERPA 在Artissima》,2017年11月2日 - 5日.


"By using two kinds of materials to finish the Landscape, the painting part was the thangka, painting technique and the character part adopted the Chinese Cloisonné craft. In one painting, there had two different ethnic drawing techniques which exactly fitted my identities of half Tibetan and half Han. During the Cultural Revolution, many temple murals were covered by the paintings of Chairman MAO’s quotations. Time goes by, the outer layers of MAO’s quotations began to partially peel off, and the original murals appeared, which formed excessively absurd pictures. Two completely different beliefs and ideologies were displayed on the same wall, it enabled people to sigh the impermanence of the world and the absurdity of The Times. This works was created under the influence of this scene. Only replaced MAO’s quotations with the “Twice-Cooked Pork recipe”." -- Gade


"《⻛景》是运⽤了两种材料制作的,画的部分是⽤唐卡的绘制⼿法,字的部分是⾤⽤的汉地掐丝景泰蓝⼯艺。两个不同⺠族的绘制⼿法运⽤在同⼀幅画中契合我藏汉混⾎的身份表达。⽂⾰时期许多寺院的壁画被油漆覆盖,写上了⽑主席语录?随着岁⽉流逝,表层的⽑语录开始部分拨落,后⾯的壁画呈现出来,形成了⼀幅⾮常荒诞的画⾯。两种完全不同的信仰与意识形态同时展现在同⼀个墙⾯上。让⼈感叹世事的⽆常与时代的荒谬。⽽这幅作品正是受这个情境的影响⽽创作的,只是把⽑语录转换成了"回锅⾁菜谱"。" -- 嘎德